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Lost Transponder Keys

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Lost Your Car Transponder Chip or Key? Use Our Glasgow Mobile Coded Key Cutting Service

There are many reasons for needing a new transponder chip or key. Lost car keys being the obvious one, however more often the reason can be wear and tear and everyday accidents:

You open the keyfob to change the battery for the central locking, and it isn’t until the car won’t start and you see a flashing light on the dashboard that you realise that the small chip has fallen out. 

The keys snaps, at which point you discover the transponder chip is moulded into the plastic and can’t easily be transferred to a new key.

You want to replace a broken or worn fob casing, looks easy, but often the glass or ceramic chip is super glued in place and breaks when you try to remove it. Or you throw away the old fob which contained the chip in a hidden compartment.

You could take your car to your local dealer, and they will happily try to solve the problem by offering their own code key-cutting service. However, given transponder keys’ rarity and unique technology, they tend to charge a lot. That’s why we recommend that you speak to our team here at Car Keys Glasgow instead of looking to a dealer or even the manufacturer of your vehicle.

Car Key Replacement Glasgow

Our Service

There is much more to replace a lost or broken transponder key for your car. Rather than just cutting a replacement, you must code it to work with your vehicle. Every car has a different password that connects to the keys, which is why, in most cases, you can’t use your car key fob to open someone else’s vehicle, even if it is the same make, model, and manufacturer year.

Don’t worry, though. At Car Keys Glasgow, we can usually find a suitable blank key and offer key cutting for your vehicle on the same day you call us, often within the hour, depending on how busy we are.

Car Key Replacement Glasgow

Why Choose Our Coded Key Cutting Service?

We understand there is a lot of competition, and you may feel more comfortable going to a local dealer or manufacturer. However, when you choose our coded key-cutting service here at Car Keys Glasgow, you get the following benefits:

Car Key Replacement Glasgow
Car Key Replacement Glasgow

Contact Us Today For Our Coded Key Cutting Service

If you are based in the wider Glasgow area and have discovered that your coded key fob must be fixed, is broken, or lost, you must contact us immediately. We will endeavour to respond to your call within the same day you call us, and often, this can happen within the same hour, depending on our availability. There is no need to panic or go to a local dealer or manufacturer; we can save you money and stress.

Car Key Replacement Glasgow